Men of Action - Welcome

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Please read my writings with an open mind and heart.

Enjoy reading.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Vessels: Some empty, some cracked

I heard a wonderful sermon on the Holy Spirit this weekend. He used analogies that amazed me and inspired me. I’m going to share one of his analogies in my own way. Just know, his words sunk into me deeply.

There’s a story of a Pastor who was talking to one of the newest members of his church.
This member wanted to know, “How do I find God? What I mean is now that I believe Jesus was sent to save me; I want to know God more. How do I find him?”

The Pastor guided him to the Baptismal Pool and led him into the water. Grabbing the member’s shoulders he immersed him totally into the water. Instead of releasing him and helping him out of the water he kept him under the water until the member started struggling. Finally, the Pastor released him.

The member was upset and asked him why he had held him under the water so long. The Pastor replied, “when you were under the water, what did you want more than ever?’

The member stated, “Air”.

The Pastor replied, “When you want God as much as you wanted that air, you will find him!”

How desperate are you for God? How much of God’s Holy Spirit do you want? When do you want God to pour his Holy Spirit in you? When will you claim to be God’s Earthen Vessel?

No matter who we are or where we come from, each of us have been created to be vessels of the Holy Spirit.
II Corinthians 4:7 - but we have this treasure in earthen vessels that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us.

It’s easy for me to look at myself as an earthen vessel…..a large vase! But…. My vessel is cracked (I can think of a hundred jokes with this but I’m not joking here). I daily need to refill my vessel because of my sin.

You are an earthen vessel. What you decide to put in your earthen vessel is your choice. God has the better plan for your life to fill you up with His “…excellence of power… His Holy Spirit”

As I said though, mine is cracked, I constantly need to seek God and replenish my cracked vase. I don’t ever want my vase to be empty but because I sin, (I’m cracked) it does. It also flows out of me because I share God's wonderful Holy Spirit with others that are empty.

God won’t pour his blessings into a vessel that is filled with the cares of life and the love of this world and its sin. God is looking for EMPTY/CRACKED VESSELS to fill!
God will continue outpouring His Holy Spirit for you.

Are you ready to receive? Do you really want to know him?

Are you an EMPTY or CRACKED VESSEL ready to be poured into?

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