Men of Action - Welcome

God Bless you!

Please read my writings with an open mind and heart.

Enjoy reading.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Support Ships

I have good news for you, even though the New Year is already here; God has already seen your trials and troubles for this New Year. The Lord shall go before you. He is out in front of us. He is at the point leading the way. So in this writing I’m here to tell you, God has got your back too!

As you all know, I served in the US Navy. On a ship and ships, there is an order of position when traveling as a fleet force. In other words, no carrier, battleship, cruiser or destroyer goes anywhere without protection. I don’t have the space within this writing to explain each position but let’s focus on the back of the fleet.

In the back of a fleet force and behind the Aircraft carriers are the support ships. We are talking Oilers (refueling ships), tenders (repair ships), supply (weapons and personnel materials ship) and Amphibious (troop and landing ships). Know this, without these ships in the back, the fleet can’t move forward. They have the fleets back!

The concept of a "rear guard" was important to the Israelites too. There were soldiers who went before the people, assuring no enemies were waiting ahead. There were also soldiers who followed them, ensuring no enemy could come up on them in a sneak attack. The need of a "rear guard" is seen in the treachery of the Amalekites, who followed the Israelites in their flight from Egypt.

Remember what the Amalekites did to you along the way when you came out of Egypt. When you were weary and worn out, they met you on your journey and cut off all who were lagging behind; they had no fear of God. Deuteronomy 25:17-18

These treacherous and crafty people took advantage of those who did not keep up with the ranks. Some of them were tired and weary, and could not keep up with the army. For this reason, they had fallen prey to the Amalekites.

Jesus is our “Rear Guard” our support ship, the soldier in the rear! He has your back!

Jesus is the "author and finisher" of our faith Hebrews 12:2. He is before us and behind us–leading us and following us. Jesus has our back! He Shields us (shelters) From Hidden Danger, He protects us from attacks in the rear. He is watching our back. He plugs up holes in the line. He sends us reinforcements (support ships) when we need it. Oftentimes someone comes along to encourage us.

Do you know who sent them? It was the REAR GUARD!

The best of us must admit there are times when our pace is too slow, and we have become "tired and weary." How is it that the devil did not overcome you in such times? What enabled you to recover and be strong again?

It was the "REAR GUARD," that kept you safe from the enemy.
He alone turns the battle. We do not fight for the victory but from the victory. It is He that gives a push in the heat of the battle. As Christians we look at the cross and see Jesus Christ. Jesus is our rear guard, our support ship-there are no others!

Guess what? My friends and family have my back too just like I have there back! We strive to be more Christ-like each day; we must look out for each other. Family, friends and other Christians are God’s vessels, or maybe better put, support ships!

Since Jesus has your back …whose back do you have? Who’s your support ship and who are you the Rear Guard for?

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