Men of Action - Welcome

God Bless you!

Please read my writings with an open mind and heart.

Enjoy reading.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Laziness: Well, Excuuuuuuuse Me!

The last few months, I have wanted to write about this subject but just kept putting it to the side. Of course, the subject is procrastination. Wait a minute; don’t good things come to those who wait? You can’t serve wine until it’s time. Cheese isn’t any good unless it’s aged.  It can always wait till tomorrow, right?

A few weeks ago I learned a lesson…probably the most costly procrastination lesson. Even though I have a Sun Pass, there is one particular toll booth that doesn’t seem to like my pass. It didn’t like my pass 4 times as a matter of fact.  I knew about these 6 months ago when I got the ‘pay up now notice’ but put these warning in the inbox on my desk.

Let me tell you something about my inbox it would be more aptly named, “My Organized Trash Box”. 

When the State of Florida gives you a 3rd warning…’s actually your last warning. Then they send it to the Courts. Once it goes to Court, they have a tendency to add things, like more fines. Basically, the $3.00 in tolls that I could have paid, on the phone right away, grew up. I’m not going to tell you how much but let’s say they reached a total that could have only been reached using complicated algebraic and calculus equations.

My procrastination cost me dearly. In this imperfect world we live in, it is highly more likely that the longer we wait to do things, the harder and more unpleasant they will seem to be. Right!

Have you ever really asked yourself why you are not taking care of the things you know need to be done in your life? Is it something deeper that keeps you from doing what needs to be done, or is it the anxiety of giving something more pleasurable up in order to get the right thing done. Perhaps it is the thought of pain that keeps us from doing the right thing.

How many of us have missed out on an opportunity because we put it off? I know you can’t see but both my arms are raised! Sometimes, God presents us an opportunity and we say, “When I get to it”. When I was in the US Navy we used to have a saying, “If the chief says ‘JUMP’, you say ‘How high’.  Spiritually, when God says, ‘GO’…you need to start packing your bags and booking the flight!

Proverbs 26:13-16 “The sluggard says, "There is a lion in the road, a fierce lion roaming the streets!" As a door turns on its hinges, so a sluggard turns on his bed.  The sluggard buries his hand in the dish; he is too lazy to bring it back to his mouth. The sluggard is wiser in his own eyes than seven men who answer discreetly.”

I have heard many excuses for not working, but the Bible uses the old,” there might be a lion outside I should stay inside and watch television excuse.” Think of this excuse in a spiritual sense; are we so lazy that we cannot lift the Word of God that would feed our spirit? Procrastination is simply laziness and it leads to a life that will never experience fulfillment.

So many people accept the Lord yet are waiting to become something they may never be, before they allow themselves to be used by God. There procrastinating because of their own fear or feelings of inadequacies. If this is how you feel just remembering the people God used:

Noah was a drunk, Abraham was an old man, Isaac was a dreamer, Jacob was a liar, Joseph was abused, Moses had a speech impediment, Gideon was afraid, Samson was a womanizer, Rahab was a prostitute, Jeremiah was too young, David cheated on his wife, Elijah was suicidal, Isaiah preached in his birthday suit, Jonah ran from God, Naomi was a widow, Job went bankrupt, Peter denied Christ, Martha was a worrier, the Samaritan woman was divorced a few times, Zaccheus was a little guy, Paul was overly religious, Timothy had stomach issues and Lazarus was dead!

What do you have that’s worse than that? Stop waiting for things to get better… they won’t. At least not until you get off that couch and acting on God’s Word.

No more excuses. Stop procrastinating. God can use you to your full potential.
You have no idea what tomorrow will bring if in fact there is a tomorrow. Why don’t you act today? God is calling for each of us to do today what needs to be done. If God is calling… you MUST a

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