Surrender: Just Grow Up
Sometimes we need to ‘give up, and to grow up!”…to completely
Our experiences can help direct our lives. They can change you, but you
need to be willing to give them up. We need to let things go in order to grow.
Are you willing to let some things go in your life? Do you want to grow?
In Mark 10:17-29 there was this rich guy, he had it all. Money, power and
he probably a good looking fellow to boot! He was seeking the truth though,
unhappy with the political correctness, works oriented and heartless religion
that surrounded him. He knew there was more to life than materialistic endeavors.
He knew that one day he would die and that would be it, subconsciously he
sought an eternal life.
So he goes to Jesus, and he tells Jesus, “Hey, I am good guy!”, sound
Jesus brings up the Law of Moses, because he was a great teacher The
Law reveals our inability to please God and leads us to seek His grace. Without
knowledge of God’s Law, it becomes difficult to see that we are sinners in need
of help. This young man failed to see the requirements of the Law; he didn’t
see himself as a lawbreaker.
Jesus tries a different approach seeing that something is not right
with this young man, so Jesus told the young man “Sell it all and give it
away.” Jesus was not making poverty or philanthropy a requirement of salvation;
He was exposing the young man’s heart.
If God told you to sell everything and follow Jesus…would you?
So the Rich guy says, “He could not do that and walked away.” Jesus
stopped him and said, “Is that your final answer?”
Some people think that we are all supposed to be poor. Not true, poverty is not a sign of
spirituality. Poverty is the result of the curse of sin and
poverty should be resisted and taught against. God wants us to prosper. He
wants to bless us but He needs to break us from being controlled by our wealth
Notice, God didn’t say we shall all be millionaires? Prosper means to
enjoy what you have (my definition). But the truth is many of God’s people are
not prospering. They are broke, and in debt. God blessed Abraham with abundant wealth;
we are told he had over 400 servants! God blessed Paul with enough money to
travel the world and do mission work and to pay for it almost all by his own
income. He must have made a lot of money!
God desires that we have enough money to provide for ourselves and to
do the work of the ministry. He will provide you with this money if you learn
how to manage what you have. God will never give you anything that you can’t
handle…including money. I hear people say all the time, “God, if you will just
let me win the lottery, I can better serve you.” (Or something likes that.) Why
should God give you more of something when what he has already given you has
been misused?
If you buy your child a computer and he misuses it by going to websites
infested with Virus and Malware. Forgets where he leaves it then complains it’s
not his fault the computer is so slow. (ok, this is experiential knowledge)
Would you buy him another computer? It’s the computers fault after all, right?
Of course not, why should G0od give you any more if what he has already given
you is being abused?
I realize this seems pretty bad but there is another danger of prosperity
and wealth… riches can grab a hold of you and begin to control you. That is
what the problem was here with this rich guy. His money became his god. So when
he asked Jesus what he needed to do, Jesus went right to the source of the
problem. What was really holding this young man back? It was his money.
What is holding you back?
What is keeping you from living out God’s vision and calling for your
life? For everybody it is different.
Maybe it is your image or the way you view yourself, good or bad. Is that
holding you back? Maybe it is your wealth, or your goals and plans, or your
skills and talent that are holding you back.
Whatever it is, God calls you to give it up. Not so He can take it away, but so that it won’t destroy you and hold you back. “Sometimes you have to let things go in order to grow.”
Mark 10:29, 30 - Truly I tell you,” Jesus replied, “no one who has left home or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for me and the gospel will fail to receive a hundred times as much in this present age: homes, brothers, sisters, mothers, children and fields—along with persecutions—and in the age to come eternal life.
In other words, no one gives up stuff that won’t get back more than they give up times many hundreds!
At the end of the war in the Pacific when Japan surrendered, Japanese general came aboard the US ship and walked up to General McArthur. He extended his hand to shake the general’s hand, but the general did not extend his hand. He stood firm and said with a clear voice, “Your sword general.”
Now if you know anything about the military you will understand what was going on here. General McArthur would not accept the Japanese general’s handshake until he completely surrendered. This would be expressed by giving the general his sword. There was a moment’s hesitation but then the general took off his sword and gave it to the general as he bowed. This was complete surrender.
There are many who would like to completely surrender to Jesus. Jesus won’t shake your hand till you give him your sword. Until you completely surrender.
1 comment:
really liked the example of complete surrender....sword...thanks Paul
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