Men of Action - Welcome

God Bless you!

Please read my writings with an open mind and heart.

Enjoy reading.

Friday, December 28, 2012

End of Year Inventory

Well, here we are…another New Year is almost upon us. There are many blogs being written about resolutions; things we can learn from our past and what to expect for the future. So as I sat down to write this blog I knew that I needed to take this to the next level. We need to take inventory of our lives.

Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves. Do you not realize that Christ Jesus is in you—unless, of course, you fail the test? 2 Corinthians 13:5

Being in the computer business can really try your patience. I was on a technical support call trying to install some software for a senior….ummm…experienced customer who really had no experience with computers. I think she literally walked into Best Buy one day and said, “What’s that?” The representative said, “That’s one of those new-fangled computers Miss.”  After explaining what it does to her she bought one and took it out of the box; plugged it in and waited for it to do something. That’s when she probably called me.

After a few hours of showing her how things worked and what things do, I then attempted to install our software. I tried every workaround and technique I could think of after the normal install didn’t work. Finally, after 4 hours…I was ready to give up! My faith in her computer system had run dry. I was convinced it was a lemon.

Now you’re probably wondering where I am going with this and how can God even write about computers in the bible? Well he actually spoke about the bible in the book of Genesis. You know the part where Eve gave Adam an Apple? You know he wanted a PC and we probably wouldn’t be in the mess we are in now if he had….of course I’m kidding.

Sometimes we feel like our lives just never seem to be installed correctly…we think we got a lemon for a life…or is that a fig tree?   Jesus said that a certain man planted a fig tree. He dug about it, fertilized it and cared for it. He expected fruit from the tree, but year after year it was barren. Finally he said to the keeper, “Cut this tree down; it cumbers the ground.” The keeper interceded, saying, “Give the tree another chance, please. Give it just one more year and then if it doesn’t bear fruit we will cut it down.” The man agreed to spare the tree for another year. (Luke 13).

Sometimes we feel like that tree. We have a great experience with God and we promise to be faithful: be fruitful.  God has watched over us, cared for us, and blessed us down through the years. But we can disappoint Him. Sometimes were not faithful; we may not bear any fruit. We can always be cut down before another year is over. Thank God but he seems he is giving us another year. He is eternally the God of second chances.

We need to take inventory though, see what God has given us; see what we have to work with and remove the things we don’t use anymore and recognize those we do. A true spiritual inventory not only includes a look backward, but also involves a careful examination of our present lives. In order to do this, two things must be inventoried; our attitudes; our actions. Is our faith up-to-date? If it is then we will pass the test. Inner attitudes always determine outward performance. The Lord works from the inside out.

One can be for something and yet not with it. For example, you can be for marriage and yet be single. You can cheer for your favorite team and yet not be a part of them. Like the customer I refer to above….you can buy a computer but that doesn’t mean you can use it. We need to really inventory and examine ourselves…what is your heart condition?

Each New Year we need to take at least a two-way look so that we can have a proper appreciation of the past and a bright outlook for the future. Another year is dawning—a path unknown, untried. Another year with Jesus! Another year to trust Him!

As you inventory your life, what plans do you have for the New Year? What changes? What goals? What resolutions are you going to make with God’s help? May God grant us to so live that the world of which we are a part will know that Christianity is the most powerful and life-changing force in the universe!

As for my 4 hour technical support call; it wouldn’t install because a particularly tough version of an Anti-Virus program was scanning the computer and not allowing her to do anything during this period. A simple reason but to think about it…we have to put things on hold or maybe fast in a specific area as we inventory our lives as well.

Once that’s completed, faith can be re-installed quite simply.

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