Our church sponsored a very important and educational
conference this past weekend. I learned a lot and there were many facts I hadn’t
realized. The talks were on creation science and how evolution theories were
just dead wrong. They presented many facts… some I knew most I didn’t. You want
to know what I really took away from all these great talks?
There are things in the Bible that, if taken as part of the
whole, are very beneficial to us. Yet those same scripture, if taken alone, can
be very harmful. Now this thought may seem very simple in its form but to hear
some other people talk…it’s the hardest thing they have ever done. The only way
to understand parts of the scripture is to understand the whole Word of God.
When Jesus was questioned about the law, his answer started
with, “Have ye not read?”
We would expect a spiritual leader to have read his Bible
wouldn’t we? Yet, it was to the rabbis, the Pharisees, the Sadducees, the Chief
Priests, Scribes and Elders that Jesus posed this question. “Have Ye Not Read…”
Shouldn’t they have known better?
Here is the trouble with Christianity today, we will listen
to every Joe or Jane who says they are a prophet; claim to have some new revelation from God,
and ignore the one and only revelation we really have from God which is the
Word of God…the Bible.
“Have ye not read?”
“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” Hosea 4:6a
What would we know about the human condition was it not for
the Word of God? Our salvation must be a response to the Word of God, and the
question that will be asked of every soul…
“Have ye not read?”
Reading Is Essential To the Growth of the Christian!!!
Thy Words were found, and I did eat them; and Thy Word was
unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart: for I am called by Thy Name, O
Lord God of hosts (Jer. 15:16).
I have esteemed the words of his mouth more than my
necessary food. (Job 23:12)
Jesus said, “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every
word that proceeded out of the mouth of God”
“Have ye not read?”
What about your quiet time? What about your Bible reading?
Are you keeping up with that? The greatest threat to your Christian life is not
the attacks of the ignorant upon your Bible but your personal neglect of your
“Have ye not read?”
D. L. Moody wrote on the fly-leaf of his Bible these words:
"This book will keep me from sin, and sin will keep me from this
This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but
thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou may observe to do
according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way
prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.” (Joshua 1:8).
“Have ye not read?”
We watch the great sports stars on the field of play and
admire their skills. Some of that talent is natural, but a large part of it
comes from consistent practice. We listen to great musicians, forgetting about
the hours they spend in practice. Do you practice and spend regular time in the
Word of God?
“Have ye not read?”
Perhaps you think you don’t have time to read the Bible
every day. If you are too busy to read the Bible every day you are busier than
God ever intended any human being should be, and you had better let some things
go and take time to read the Bible.
Have ye not read?
Ignorance is no excuse. Driving down a highway, do you read
the road signs? Whether you read them or
not, does the law still stand? How about God’s Law?
“Have ye not read?”
We need to understand that when we are judged of God, the
one recurring question we will be asked is “Have ye not read?” and willing
ignorance is no excuse.
Have you not read?
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