Men of Action - Welcome

God Bless you!

Please read my writings with an open mind and heart.

Enjoy reading.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Are you offensive?

I love this time of year! Football! Being an Expert Football Couch Coach, I can tell you what a good football team should have or be. Defense is good. Defense is important. Defense is needed. BUT… in order to win football games you must score points. Second, it’s extremely difficult to score points on defense.

If the cornerback intercepts the football that defensive player is now an offensive player. The same is true for a linebacker who picks up a fumble. Once these defensive players have possession of the football they are now on offense.

In Matthew 5, Jesus explains to His disciples that they must be salt and light to the world. Light in darkness is obtrusive. Light in darkness will stand out. Light in a world filled with darkness will be offensive.

I don’t think Jesus meant that we should be rude, distasteful, or discriminatory. Being offensive does not mean that we should be judgmental. I don’t think that is how Jesus was telling us to be offensive.

Safety Points (2):

Miriam-Webster Dictionary defines offensive as “making an attack.” The basis for the attack is not violence but instead the unexpected love and peace of Christ.

Field Goal Points (3):

Miriam-Webster Dictionary defines offensive as “giving painful or unpleasant sensations.” Jesus is saying that the foulness is overpowering the world and we need to bring the sweet sight, taste, smell, sound, and touch of grace. People are so used to the foulness of this world that the salt and light can be painful and unpleasant. It will be offensive.

Touchdown Points (6):

Miriam-Webster Dictionary defines offensive as “causing displeasure or resentment.” Just before Jesus calls His followers to be light, he warns that those who follow him will suffer persecution.

You’re blessed when your commitment to God provokes persecution. The persecution drives you even deeper into God’s kingdom. Not only that--count yourselves blessed every time people put you down or throw you out or speak lies about you to discredit Jesus.

What it means is that the truth is too close for comfort and they are uncomfortable. The displeasure and resentment should not result from being rude or mean. Instead the resentment will be the consequence of being offensive to a socially relative culture. By being offensive in this way we will be resented by many. Yet, we must still be that offensive light shining in darkness.

By being light we are being offensive. We are making an attack. We are giving painful and unwelcome sensations to this dark world. When we are light in darkness we are offensive, on the offense, and we will score for Jesus. We will plant seeds and win souls for Christ. We will introduce people to the transforming grace of God. When we are offensive we make our world a better place.

That’s what Jesus means as He tells us to be light in a dark and mixed up world. He wants us to be offensive.

He wants us to score for HIM!

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