The Christian single person’s life is a profound testimony to the reality and glory of Jesus Christ. When a single person, man or woman, lives with purity, integrity, joy, and contentment, that person preaches through their very life that Jesus Christ exists beyond the galaxies and that He is greater than anything in the world, including riches, fame, marriage, and family.
That’s a mouthful isn’t it. It’s truth used to elude me though. I always thought the near perfect life can only be found within marriage.
Then the Lord God said, "It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him. - Genesis 2:21-24
He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord. - Proverbs 18:22
My inside Job for this week is this world needs Christian single men and women, Christian widows and widowers, to show by the joyous lives they live that Christ is real and worthy of worship.
This single minded devotion has Two (2) points:
1.) Being Single is a special call from God.
To the unmarried and the widows I say that it is good for them to remain single as I am. 1 Corinthians 7:8
Jesus affirms both marriage and singleness as gifts of God, a calling. We don’t simply choose to be single, we recognize it as a call upon our lives. Just as those called to marriage have certain responsibilities in marriage, so those called to singleness have certain responsibilities in singleness. We should respect those in the church whom God has called to single and honor their unique role in the body of Christ.
2.) Being single is a special call to God!
The call here for the single person is if you are single don’t waste it! Live your life to the full for the sake of the kingdom of God! Make the most of every day and every opportunity for Christ! Remind those of us who are married that the kingdom of God is more important that marriage, and children, and houses, and lands! Remind us through your dedication even as a widow that Christ and his kingdom is supreme and all together worthy of our every ounce of dedication!
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